Our Rates and pricing

The pricing & rate card of escort girls in Kolkata

To begin with the Kolkata escorts rate card will help you select a qualified and experienced escort. Therefore the majority of escorts are ladies as well as escorts and customers are mediated by them. Moreover customers are contacted by Kolkata escorts services. Thus it is possible to find kolkata escorts at varying prices. As a result you can see in the following details, it depends on what you intend to do with the escort girl. In short compared to others, our prices as well as charges are comparatively lower. Though our low rates might cause us to compromise on the quality of our escort service. In summary the following options are available. Therefore to confirm appointments, there is no need for a deposit from the customer. As a result don’t hesitate to contact us after finalizing our rates.

Our Rates and pricing

Kolkata escorts service rate card (cost price) in detail.

High Profile Girls

Rs 9,000 to Rs 12,000

Foreigner Escorts

Rs 9,000 to Rs 12,000

College Escorts

Rs 8,000 to Rs 10,000

House Wives

Rs 6,000 to Rs 8,000

Bengali Escorts

Rs 6,000 to Rs 8,000

High Profile Girls

Rs 17,000 to Rs 20,000

Foreigner Escorts

Rs 17,000 to Rs 20,000

College Escorts

Rs 15,000 to Rs 18,000

House Wives

Rs 11,000 to Rs 14,000

Bengali Escorts

Rs 6,000 to Rs 8,000

High Profile Girls

Rs 24,000 to Rs 28,000

Foreigner Escorts

Rs 24,000 to Rs 28,000

College Escorts

Rs 21,000 to Rs 24,000

House Wives

Rs 15,000 to Rs 19,000

Bengali Escorts

Rs 6,000 to Rs 8,000

High Profile Girls

Rs 28,000 to Rs 35,000

Foreigner Escorts

Rs 28,000 to Rs 35,000

College Escorts

Rs 24,000 to Rs 28,000

House Wives

Rs 19,000 to Rs 23,000

Bengali Escorts

Rs 6,000 to Rs 8,000

Our Rates for escorts servces
Pricing of our escorts servces
Our pricing for escorts servces
Our pricing for escorts servces
Our Rates for escorts servces
Our Rates for escorts servces
Our Rates for escorts servces

Call us anytime 24*7 for knowing our pricing in detail.

In addition certified escort services simplify the evaluation process as well as our rates of Kolkata escort agency bundle is a great choice because they care about their reputation. Moreover there is a lot of interest in wife swapping and Kolkata girls services. For more in detailed information, please check out our blogs. Afterwards meeting our Kolkata call girl, you’ll feel like you’ve been transported to heaven. Therefore it’s impossible not to love their killer smile and fractionalization. Similarly stunning and friendly escorts in Kolkata offer you any kind of erotic satisfaction you desire. Thus no matter what your needs are, our rates will meet them to the fullest extent. Additionally please let us know how you would like the escort to meet you. As a result she remains the same, she allows you to experience a truly intimate moment.

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We are the best in the City. The Top rated & Genuine Kolkata Escort Service Agency.